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a | What would it be like if HeavymetalPapillon appeared in the Anime? Well, the wourld could have been a better place to live in! Dumb answer. But here, we just take a look at how different life could have been. We'll just look at the ideas and comments from our dear visitors who have kindly sent in their views! Feel free to do so anytime, the email addie is papillon@bishoujosenshi.com I suppose HeavymetalPapillon could have been a short-tempered Sailor Anima Mate 0_o she has almost the same status as LeadCrow, which means she does not regard LeadCrow as her sensei or anything like that. She is witty and can be really agressive when she's angry 0_o and she loves flowers alot ;) When she get's angry, she can do crazy things like throwing a flower pot at some poor victim. In her human guise, her mortal name is Chyouno Mihoshi (which means beautiful star of butterfly) and wears the usual sunglasses anima mates love, a sleeveless white blouse tucked into a lilac flare skirt and sweet hat (y'know the type of hat girls wear in summer) with little flowers attached the right side ;) HeavymetalPapillon could have been a sadist who liked decorating things with flowers and then burn them up. She's a psycho who goes by the name of Younakano Yuri in her human guise and likes torturing people (and all those sadist things). She's also very proud and hates weak people a lot. How Evil! -something I gained from Lovely Metal's papillon site ;) I would have loved it if Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion had been in the anime. First there's the obvious benefit that there would have been more than FIVE pictures of her ^.^.... Also, I think she could've dressed really sexy when she is a civillian.... Like some high leather boots and a crop top...Oh wait that's her villain's outfit...Gomen ^_^. But you get my drift.... And she works as an agent or something for Galaxy TV, and meets with the 3 Lights and goes around flirting with them and making them blush. I like the idea of her being all calm and collected and witty when things are going right, but Then she would lose her cool whenever things aren't going her way and start...."Trowing Flower Pots at people"!!! |
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