lookie, Planet Butterfly has even won an award!
Thank you Neo-Queen Serenity!
go here to read what I have to say to all those wonderful people who support and visit planet butterfly
Well, fans of Sailor HeavymetalPapillon or people who go to Planet Mermaid for fun laughter peace and joy, Planet Butterfly is finally up *yAy* it is just a little shrine/tribute to the last of the Anima Mates who did not get a chance to appear in the Anime. HeavymetalPapillon is the most under rated Anima Mate no doubt about that. This shrine is just too small, and well, I'd like to start all those entertainment stuff for this place but you know, there's still Planet Mermaid to worry about and well, entertainment sections will come, but maybe later ;) I'm really busy working on some Rurouni Kenshin sites right now...